
Kooperation & Förderung

Aktuelle internationale Kooperationsangebote aus dem Enterprise Europe Network:



Greek SME specializing in Robotics, IoT & Automation is looking for provider of tailor made robotic solutions and partners for innovative research programs

Dauer: 01 Nov 2023 - 31 Oct 2024

Short summary:

The Greek SME specializes in autonomous robotic solutions, leveraging sophisticated sensors, AI and expert software development. Having successfully engineered over 6 robots for innovative applications in precision agriculture, maritime and manufacturing industry. The company is seeking opportunities to develop innovative robots tailored to customer needs and participate in research programs, which will allow to further develop cutting-edge technology in robotics.


Swedish design company is looking for a manufacturer for its interior design product

Dauer: 17 Jan 2024 - 16 Jan 2025

Short summary:
Swedish design company is looking for a manufacturer for its design interior product. The product has been in production for couple of years in Asia but now the company wants to move the production to Europe.
A Korean Company that developed Nano-Si/C anode material low-cost mass production technology for electric vehicles are seeking for technical cooperation in Europe
Dauer: 10 Jan 2024 - 09 Jan 2025
Short summary:
A Korean company is developing low-cost mass production technology using a rotary kiln type microwave heating system for Si/C anode materials which has the effect of improving the charging speed and driving range of electric vehicles. It enables a uniform and continuous process, lowering unit costs and securing competitiveness. The company is seeking cooperation on various matters, including technical cooperation with global secondary battery material companies and electric vehicle companies.
A french SME creates and produces composite materials and parts based on the reuse of industrial by-product from various industries.
Dauer: 15 Jan 2024 - 14 Jan 2025
Short summary:
Since its foundation, the company has acquired a strong know-how and expertise in the development of innovative composite materials based on the reuse of various types of production residues. This approach enables developing and testing aesthetic and structural composite parts for various markets such as luxury and mobility. The R&T and production capacity of the facility in Lyon area enables producing materials and parts for series of several thousand units


Startup offering AI based predictive maintenance industry solutions seeks industry partners and machine manufacturers

Dauer: 07 Jun 2023 - 06 Jun 2024

Short summary
A Northern German startup developed a data based predictive maintenance solution for machines that can prevent industry from significant downtimes caused by machine failure. Today, the company targets the automotive-, plastics- and packaging industry, as well as machine manufacturers. The industrial interface “Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture“ (OPC UA) is required for implementation.


Aktuelle Fördermöglichkeiten für Projekte mit internationalen Partnern:

EUROSTARS ist ein Förderprogramm für innovative KMUs, die in kleinen internationalen Konsortien gemeinsam Technologien, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen entwickeln wollen. Die Förderquote beträgt 50%.

Die nächste Deadline für Projektanträge ist am 15. März 2024:

Enterprise Europe Network - Thüringen: Fördermittel (een-thueringen.eu)

Eurostars › (dlr.de)


Internationale Kooperationsbörsen / Matchmaking Events

Dieses Format zur Sondierung von potenziellen Kooperationen organisiert das Enterprise Europe Network ergänzend zu internationalen Messen oder Konferenzen und bietet damit Ausstellern und Besuchern eine zusätzliche Möglichkeit der gezielten Anbahnung von Vertriebs-, Technologie- oder Forschungskooperationen.

Enterprise Europe Network - Thüringen: Detail-Seite (een-thueringen.eu)



Beate Schmalfuß

Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen (STIFT)

Internationale Projekte I Enterprise Europe Network

Häßlerstraße 8 | D-99096 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 (0)361 78923-24

Fax: 0361 78923-44

Mobil: 0163 7738841