
As a cooperative we are active in many areas. The ELMUG specialist groups were formed with the aim of jointly and economically more effectively addressing a market segment that is relevant or interesting for the members. The fields of joint cooperation to achieve this goal vary. They range from the joint formulation and marketing of a range of services to the goal of developing and implementing a joint technology roadmap.


It is the responsibility of the specialist groups to define the objectives and measures of their joint work.

For innovative medium-sized companies and start-ups, cooperations contribute significantly to their business success. The advantages of a cooperation range from cost savings and better perception to larger projects and orders that are processed jointly.

Technical and working groups

Digitalisation & AI

In the specialist groups, the members work on preparing people for the changes that come with digitisation. In an atmosphere of trust, upcoming problems are discussed and solutions are found.

emC & equipment safety

Technical and legal issues of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and equipment safety are given priority in this working group.

»elmug 4 future«

The working group brings together the stakeholders to further develop the conference and coordinate the annual programme.
 Head: Prof. Tobias Reimann



Marketing is indispensable for companies and clusters alike. In the working group, ideas are created, actions are planned and implemented.


The aim of the division is to further increase the attractiveness of SMEs and research institutions by means of a merger to increase the range of services in the field of sensor technology through the application of micro-nano-integration.

REgional development

Thuringia is characterised by small and medium-sized enterprises. The aim of this working group is to strengthen them in a regional context.


Within the framework of regular get-togethers, interested parties can exchange views on current developments.


In the specialist group, people are to be prepared for the changes. In an atmosphere of trust, upcoming problems are discussed and solutions are found.